Architecture + Construction + BIM
[EN]I studied Architecture and Construction. I have worked at architecture firms and big contractors.
My final thesis was BIM at Ballast Nedam. The projects were Meander hospital in Amersfoort, HU Amsterdam and OVT Breda. After that I work at Maars Walls and Harkon were I made 3D/Revit libraries. They were used at Timmerhuis Rotterdam, Eurojust, Fellenoord and a lot of Regus locations.
In 2019 I started my own firm and worked with regular partners and private projects. The firm is flexible and diverse. It contains Architects, BIM-engineers, programmers and we work a lot with Project-developers.
[NL] Ik heb Architecture and Construction gestudeerd. Ik ben werkzaam geweest bij diverse architecten bureau's en grote aannemers.
Mijn final thesis was BIM bij Ballast Nedam. De projecten waren Meander ziekenhuis in Amersfoort, HU Amsterdam en OVT Breda. Daarna bij Maars en Hakron 3D/Revit bibliotheken opgezet. Deze zijn gebruikt bij projecten zoals Timmerhuis Rotterdam, Eurojust, Fellenoord, en diverse locaties van Regus.
In 2019 zijn wij gestart met bim4bots. Wij werken met vaste partners, maar doen ook losse projecten. Ons bureausamenstelling is flexibel en diverse. WIj hebben Architecten, BIM-engineers, programeurs en werken met projectontwikkelaars.